Unique instruments, developed over 40 years, designed to last forever, no obsolescence.
See Also
Non-intercepting Beam Instrumentation
Our non-intercepting measurement systems allow a characterization of low current particle beams without disturbing beam quality.
This exceptional strength is recognized throughout the particle accelerator landscape. 99% of the world’s high-energy particle accelerators of all technologies use our instruments: Sources, Linacs, Microtrons, Cyclotrons, Synchrotrons, Laser-plasma…
The performance of our instruments is also increasingly appreciated by medical accelerators for proton, carbon ions and neutron-boron capture cancer therapy.

Our product portfolio is adapted to measured
- Current DC & AC
- Charge of single or repetitive pulses
- Beam position
- Longitudinal profile
- Transverse profile and halo
- Beam loss
Our best references
- Single pulse 5pC charge measured with 50fCrms noise: Turbo-ICT on SwissFEL, PAL-XFEL, Soleil, soon LCLS-II
- Single MIP electron measured on the fly with 30% quantum efficiency by BLM, in >3500 beam loss spots
- Extracted CW heavy ion beam measured with sub-nA resolution by FCT at GANIL, RIKEN
- Fault current tolerance of a 10-uA resolution DCCT: Survives 100 kA 4/10us discharge, IPCT tested by CESI
- S-band beam position measured with 2e-5 rms noise: S-BPM at LANL, ANL
- Halo high-resolution measurement 6-sigma off centroid, by VWM at YerPhy.